BREAST MILK OF Mother's

Mother's milk is the best blessing of Allah

In the Holy Qur'an, God says, "And mothers should breastfeed their children for two years." What a sweet and comprehensive statement. There are thousands of wisdom hidden in it.

In Islam, breastfeeding is considered a right of the child and an act of charity by the mother. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of breastfeeding and encouraged mothers to breastfeed their children for two full years.

if it is considered that when the mother breastfeeds the child, her and the child's attention is focused on one side and thus the bond between the two is stronger and lasts longer. Is. The suspicion of the mother, which is imprinted in the religious computer of the child's little mind, stays with him step by step in his future life and is always there to guide and support him.


According to Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad said:

"The period of breastfeeding is two years. Whoever wishes to continue breastfeeding after that, then let him do so, and whatever agreement is made between the mother and the father, is acceptable."

Islamic Perspective:

Islamic teachings encourage breastfeeding as it is considered one of the greatest rights of the child, 

In another Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad said:

Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of providing for one's child and fulfilling their needs, including the need for proper nutrition through breastfeeding. It's recommended that mothers to breastfeed their children for at least the first two years of life, as this is seen as the ideal period for breastfeeding according to Islamic teachings. It's also important to note that after two years, breastfeeding is still permissible and encouraged if both the mother and the baby agree to it.


In summary, Islamic teachings support breastfeeding for at least two years, but breastfeeding can continue for as long as the mother and baby desire, according to the agreement between the mother and father.


Use of medicines during lactation:


Consultation with a healthcare provider:

It is important for a lactating mother to consult with a healthcare provider before taking any medications. A healthcare provider can provide guidance on which medications are safe to take during breastfeeding and which should be avoided or used with caution. They can also help to weigh the benefits and risks of a medication in relation to the mother's health condition.

Medications considered safe during breastfeeding:

Some medications are considered safe to take during breastfeeding, such as over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen in recommended doses. Some vitamins and minerals are also considered safe to take during breastfeeding.

Medications to avoid or use with caution:

Certain antibiotics and antidepressants may need to be avoided or used with caution during breastfeeding as they can be passed on to the baby through breastmilk and may cause side effects. Also, certain medications such as sleeping pills and sedatives can pass through breastmilk, it is best to avoid these medications or use them with caution during breastfeeding.

Medical conditions requiring medication:

In some cases, certain medical conditions may require the use of certain medications during breastfeeding. In such cases, the benefits of the medication for the mother's health may outweigh the potential risks for the baby. A healthcare provider will work with the mother to determine the best course of treatment in such cases.



It's important to monitor the baby's health while the mother is taking medication. Any unusual symptoms should be reported to the healthcare provider. The mother should also be aware of the potential side effects of the medication and report them to the healthcare provider.

Nutritional Value:

Mother's milk is the perfect food for infants. It contains all the necessary nutrients, including carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals, in the right proportions for the baby's growth and development. It also contains antibodies that help protect the baby from infection.


Convenience is one of the main advantages of breastfeeding for both the mother and the baby.


Breastmilk is always available and does not require any preparation or cleaning like formula feeding. This can be particularly beneficial for mothers who are on-the-go or have limited access to clean water or formula.


Breastfeeding is a flexible way of feeding a baby, as it can be done anywhere and at any time. This can be especially useful for mothers who have busy schedules or who need to travel frequently.

No equipment required:

Breastfeeding does not require any equipment such as bottles or formula. This can be beneficial for mothers who have limited resources or who prefer not to use additional equipment.


Breastfeeding can be a comforting experience for both the mother and the baby, promoting feelings of calm and relaxation. It can also help to create a strong bond between the mother and the baby.


Breastfeeding is a time-saving way of feeding a baby, as it does not require any additional preparation or cleaning like formula feeding. This can be beneficial for mothers who have limited time or who are juggling multiple responsibilities.


Breastfeeding is a cost-effective way of feeding a baby, as it does not require any additional expenses such as formula or bottles.



Breastfeeding provides an opportunity for the mother and baby to bond. The physical closeness and skin-to-skin contact can help to increase the emotional connection between the two.

Health benefits:

Breastfeeding has been shown to have health benefits for both the mother and the baby. It can reduce the risk of certain illnesses and chronic conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. It also helps to protect the baby from infection and illnesses.

Emotional benefits:

Breastfeeding can have emotional benefits for both the mother and the baby. It can help to reduce stress and promote feelings of calm and relaxation. It can also help to promote feelings of love and connection between the mother and baby.

and it is also seen as an act of charity by the mother.



The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding for at least the first year of life, but breastfeeding can continue for as long as the mother and baby desire. At least for two year  brestfeeding is rencomeneded by The World Health Orginations.

Exclusive breastfeeding:

First 6 months is most important for the breastfeeding. This means that the baby should only receive breastmilk, with no other liquids or solids, except for drops or syrups containing vitamins, minerals, or medicines.


Breastfeeding can be challenging for some mothers, especially in the beginning. It is important for mothers to have support from family, friends, and healthcare providers to help them overcome any difficulties they may encounter. Support can also help to increase breastfeeding rates and duration.


Mother's milk is a gift from Allah that provides numerous benefits to both the mother and the baby. It is highly recommended to be followed by Islamic teachings, and it's a natural and cost-effective way of feeding a baby. Breastfeeding can also provide emotional and physical benefits to the mother and help to create a strong bond between the mother and the baby. It is essential to have proper support and education to overcome any difficulties that may arise while breastfeeding.

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